Why should you take MERN?
Become a MERN Stack Developer with AchieversIT’s MERN Stack Course in Marathahalli and add a new feather to your hat. Learn to develop the best class framework with MongoDB, Express JS, React JS, and Node JS. Get complete knowledge of handling databases, web frameworks, client-side frameworks, and web servers with MERN Stack Training in Marathahalli.
- Introduction to MongoDB
- Installing MongoDB
- The current SQL/NoSQL landscape
- Document-oriented vs. other types of storage
- Mongo’s featureset
- Common use-cases
- MongoDB databases
- MongoDB Collections
- MongoDB Documents
- CRUD Operations in Mongodb
- Creating documents
- insert()
- update()
- save()
- Querying documents
- find()
- Working with equality
- Query operators
- Building complex queries
- Updating documents
- Deleting documents
- Creating documents
- Introduction to Mongoose
- Word on ORM/ODM
- Installing mongoose
- Connecting to MongoDB from mongoose
- Core concepts of Mongoose
- Understanding mongoose schemas and datatypes
- Working with Models
- Using modifiers in schema
- Using virtual fields
- Optimizing query performance by enabling indexes
- Extending Models
- Working with hooks
- Validation of model data
- Creating custom static methods
- Creating custom instance methods
- CRUD operations with Mongoose
- Expressjs Introduction & Setup
- Installing express
- First App with express – Demo
- Little about routes
- Little about Express middleware
- Serving static files with express
- Express application generator
- What is expressjs
- Routing in Depth
- Route Methods
- Route Paths
- Parametrized Routes
- Route Handlers
- Express Router
- Middleware
- Types of middleware
- Application
- Router
- Error
- Builtin
- Thirdparty
- Error middleware
- Bodyparser, cookie parser, session management
- Types of middleware
- Template Engines
- What are template engines
- Jade
- Handlebars
- Expressjs security
- Authentication
- Securing routes
- Debugging in Express
- Realtime programming with Socket.io
- Scaling nodejs applications
- The Child process model
- exec, spawn, and fork functions
- Using the Cluster module
- & ES6 JavaScript
- Introduction
- What is Javascript
- Why Typescript
- Setup and installation
- IDE support
- Scoping using Let and Const Keywords ( ES6 )
- Template Literals ( ES6 )
- Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters ( ES6 )
- Destructuring ( ES6 )
- Power of Types
- Introduction
- Type inference
- Type Annotations
- Number
- Boolean
- String
- Array
- Tuple
- Enum
- Any
- Void
- Null and Undefined
- Never ( Typescript 2)
- Explore Functions
- Introduction
- Using types in functions
- Function as types
- Optional and default parameters
- Arrow functions
- Function overloading
- Classes
- Introduction
- Inheritance
- Access modifiers
- Getters and setters
- Read-only & static
- Abstract classes
- Interfaces
- Introduction
- Optional properties and methods
- Read-only & const
- Strict structural contract
- Extending interface
- Implementing interface
- Modules
- Introduction
- Import
- Export
- Default
- Introduction to Nodejs
- What is nodejs
- A word on eventloop
- Event driven architecture
- Blocking vs non-blocking code
- Setup nodejs
- Node REPL
- HelloWorld program
- Debugging nodejs app
- Modules in JS
- Understanding exports and require
- Creating modules
- Importing modules
- Quick tour on npm
- Installing 3rd party modules
- Events & streams
- Significance of Events
- EventEmitter class
- Emitting and listening to events
- Types of streams
- Working with streams
- Composing streams using pipe
- Working with Process and File System
- Process object
- Handling exceptions at process level
- Listening to process events
- Working with file system using fs module
- Creating, Copying, Deleting files
- Creating, Copying, Deleting directories
- Watching for file changes
I)MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, Node, after the four technologies that make the stack.
2)MERN is one of the specific variations of the MEAN stack (MongoDB Express Angular Node), where the traditional Angular js is a server-side web framework, and Node.
3)NodeJS, the powerful and popular JavaScript server platform.
i) It’s hard to achieve much on the web without JavaScript, which runs the entire MERN full stack and is one of the most active developer communities.
ii) every part of MERN programming is written in one language, it allows the server-side execution and client execution environments.
iii) With its versatility in building fast, robust, and maintainable production web applications, MERN is high in demand with numerous startups and employers.
iv) objectives of MERN Stack Development Course:
• MERN stack development is best in its own place. Though, the MERN stack runs on reacts which is more preferable to Angular in the upcoming future.
- The following professionals can go for this MEAN Stack Development Course:
- Freshers and JavaScript Developers.
- front-end Web Developers.
- UI/UX Developers.
- Anyone who is Interested to learn how to build and deploy a full stack MERN Stack application can learn MERN Stack development.
- Front End
- JavaScript
- Back End
- Server Side Scripting
- Database
- You should be good at an understanding of JavaScript & ES6 Basics
- A system with an Intel i3 processor or above
- A minimum of 3GB RAM (4GB or above recommended for faster processing)
- Operating system: 32bit or 64 bits
You will do your assignments/case studies using Jupyter Notebook that is already installed on your Cloud LAB environment (access it from a browser). The access credentials are available on your LMS. Should you have any queries, the 24*7 Support Team will promptly assist you.