Python Course Syllabus
- What is Python?
- Comparison of Python with other languages like C/C++, Java, etc
- Execution model of Python
- Salient features of Python
- How Python runs Programs?
- Areas where Python is in use
- Industries that are using Python
- Installing Python in Windows/Linux/Mac OS
- Using Python interpreter
- Execute a Script
- Structuring with Indentation
- Editors
Datatype and Variables
- Variables
- Variables v/s identifiers
- Naming convention of variables
- Keywords
- Single-quote, double quote, and multi-line strings
- String Operations ( Concatenation, Repetition, Indexing, Slicing, Splitting, and joining )
Control Flow
- If/Else Statements
- For/while Statements
- Range() function
- Break and continue statements
- Else clauses on Loops
- Pass statements
- Defining Function
- Default Argument
- Keyword Argument
- Arbitrary Arguments List
- Unpacking Argument List
- Documentation Strings
List Data Structure
- Indexing
- Slicing
- Sorting
- List Comprehensions
- Appending to the list
- Extending the list
- Repetitions
- Immutable objects
- Indexing
- Slicing
- Sorting
- Tuple Comprehensions
- Immutable objects
- Add, Clear, Copy Sets
- Difference
- Intersection
- Iterating over dictionaries
- Accessing non existing keys
- Copy dictionaries
- Lists from dictionaries
Input and Output
- Input function
- Input with raw_input()
- Output with old string format
- Python format function
File handling
- Reading from the file
- Writing to the file
- Methods of file objects
Error and Exceptions
- Syntax Errors
- Exceptions
- Handling Exceptions (try, except)
- Raising Exceptions (raise)
- Clean-up Actions (try… finally)
- Else Clause
- Assert statements
Class Concept
- Class Syntax
- Class Objects
- Instance Objects
- Method Objects
- Class and Instance Variables
- Multiple Inheritance
Data Encapsulation
- Public
- Private
- Protected
- Creating Modules
- Import a module
- Import the names
- Executing modules as scripts
Standard Modules
- sys module – access to exit(), stdout, sdin, argv…
- Re module for regular expressions
- sys – file system, operating system interface.
- math – math functions
- datetime – date and time libraries
- dir() function
- Importing * from a Package
- Intra Package Reference
10 different types of patterns